Maria's Closet

Maria's Closet (

Andrea & Leo has been a proud supporter of Maria's Closet, a volunteer-run charity based in San Pedro and led by Ronna Luna, has been making a meaningful impact since 2016 by providing free prom dresses to young women facing financial challenges. We donate prom gowns in support of this mission to create an inclusive and empowering experience for young women.
Senior year is a significant and memorable time for high school students, marked by milestone events such as prom, graduation, college application, etc. However, the financial strain associated with these hallmark occasions isolates & prevents the students from disadvantaged background from participating, particularly when it comes to the cherished and enchanting prom night.


What sets Maria's Closet apart is their commitment to inclusivity, accepting all applicants. By eliminating the financial barriers associated with prom, Maria's Closet enables many girls, including those in foster care or residing in shelters, to experience the magic of prom.


The dress distributions organized by Maria's Closet are vibrant and joyous occasions, offering a wide range of dress options for girls of all sizes, thanks to the assistance of dedicated stylists. Through their dedicated efforts, Maria's Closet empowers young women, one gown at a time, fostering a sense of inclusion and demonstrating that dreams can be achieved when a community comes together with compassion and support.


Maria's Closet has been recognized with the Seal of Transparency, highlighting their commitment to accountability and openness as a nonprofit organization.
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